
Monday, April 27, 2015

Toro Sprinkler Market Programs

After the rain we had the last week or so, I'm sure the last thing most of you are worried about is your irrigation. So, nothing deep & no information overload this week. I just want to remind everyone that Toro Golf Sprinklers (Infinity & Flex Series) are Buy 3 Get 1 Free. Conversion Assemblies (guts, drives, risers...whatever you want to call them) are Buy 4 Get 1 Free. I know this is the time of year where you're having to replace sprinklers that have gone bad or just getting a few extra on the shelves, so keep these deals in mind as you decide how many to order.

I also want to remind everyone that you can follow me on Twitter (@MPoundSTI) or Instagram (@mpoundsti). You can also follow STI on Twitter (@smithturf) or Instagram (@smithturf). We're always looking for cool pictures & videos of guys working on their courses.

Have a great week & let me know if I can help!

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