
Monday, November 24, 2014

Sprinkler Market Programs from Toro

It's Thanksgiving Week & a great time for everyone to take a breather from work & relax with family. Before taking off at the end of the week, I wanted to get out another post with some important information about the marketing programs I can offer through Toro. Many of you are probably familiar with the Buy 4-Get 1 Free Sprinkler program that has been offered in the past. Starting this year & available immediately will be a Buy 3-Get 1 Free Sprinkler Program. Most importantly, the Toro Infinity Sprinklers will be included in this deal along with the Flex Series Sprinklers. I know many of you have already tried a few Infinity Sprinklers & many more would like to try them, so this deal makes the perfect opportunity to install the new Infinity Sprinklers. For more information on the Infinity CLICK HERE.

Toro Infinity Sprinklers

In addition to the program involving complete sprinkler heads, Toro is also offering a Buy 4-Get 1 Free Conversion Assembly Program. In the past, this has been Buy 5-Get 1 Free that many of you have taken advantage of, so I hope everyone will continue to use this program. One thing to keep in mind with this deal is that it will only include adjustable/part circle assemblies, not full circle assemblies.

I will continue to remind everyone about both of these deals throughout the year, but I wanted to make sure to let everyone know about them as early as possible. If you have any questions about either of these programs or need clarification as to what is or isn't included, please give me a call.

I would also like to thank everyone who came down to the Carolinas GCSA Trade Show in Myrtle Beach this past week. It was a great turnout & we enjoyed seeing several of you that made the trip down there. We will look forward to seeing more of you in Fredericksburg at the VTC Trade Show in a few months.

STI booth at Carolinas GCSA Trade Show in Myrtle Beach
I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving & I hope to be talking or meeting with all of you soon!

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