
Monday, February 23, 2015

GIS in San Antonio

I think I speak for everyone when I say I'm tired of the snow! Winter really hit VA hard this week, which I'm sure is keeping everyone from getting much done on the golf course. Well, for those headed to San Antonio this week for the GIS, hopefully we're going to get some warmer temperatures & get a break from the snow.

I will be attending the show & helping to man the Toro booth on Wednesday & Thursday. I encourage all the guys in my territory attending to set up a time to come by the Toro booth & meet with me. I would love to show any of you demos on Lynx, with the upcoming Version 4.0 & Mobile Apps being shown at the GIS. I wrote on Lynx last week, & this would be a great opportunity to come by & see it firsthand. While you're there, be sure to check out the rest of the Toro Irrigation Products & anything new that may be coming out soon!

In addition to the Toro products, make a point to go by the booths of some of our allied vendors such as Spectrum, Kochek, Flowtronex, Watertronics, Otterbine, & PondHawk. Many will have new products they are releasing & it's always good to see what these companies have coming out.

This will be my first time attending the GIS & my first time in San Antonio, so I'm definitely looking forward to everything. I hope to see all of you that are attending at some point during the week. Safe travels!

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