
Monday, January 5, 2015

Turf Guard Soil Monitoring System

Well it's time to get back in a routine again now that the holiday season is over. This week I want to talk about Toro's Turf Guard Soil Monitoring Sensors. The Turf Guard sensors instantly & continuously track soil moisture, temperature, & salinity. All of the data is available to you on SiteVision, which you can access anywhere you have internet.

Installation of Turf Guard is a quick, simple process. The sensors can be installed simply by taking a cup cutter & removing a plug before dropping the sensors in & filling in the soil around them. The sensors sit 2" below the surface & have two levels of sensors (2" & 6" depth) to give you data at an upper & lower range. Along with the sensors, we will install a base station either in your shop or clubhouse (anywhere with an internet connection) & a repeater(s) in or on your irrigation control boxes. These sensors & repeaters can be installed on any type of irrigation system, regardless of whether you have Toro controllers or not. With SiteVision, not only will you be able to monitor current conditions, but you will also have the ability to track & study trends daily, weekly, or for any specific range of dates.

The best part of the Turf Guard Soil Monitoring System is that each person will find a different aspect that they find most useful. Some may find the greatest benefit from tracking soil moisture to prevent the turf from becoming too wet or dry. Others may prefer it to track soil temperature, so that they know exactly when they should apply pre-emergents, fungicides, or pesticides. Some of you on the coast may even benefit most from the salinity data to know when a full flush is needed. No matter which feature you find most beneficial, Turf Guard is a great tool to help you maintain your golf course & use resources most effectively.

I have already discussed Turf Guard with many of you & I am seeing a lot of interest of guys wanting to install these in the upcoming months. With the Turf Guard Starter Kit that Toro is offering, this is a great opportunity to install 3 sensors & see how Turf Guard can benefit you. For more details on this deal or to set up an installation, please give me a call!

I hope everyone has a great week & as always, thank you for your business!

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