
Monday, December 15, 2014

Toro's New Radio Interface Unit (RIU)
Toro Radio Interface Unit (RIU)
This week I want to go over Toro's new Radio Interface Unit (RIU) & the Marketing Program that is being run with its release. The new RIU combines the functions of the OSMAC Base Station and Hand-Held Remote Interface (HHRI) into one single unit. This new unit provides improved performance & reliability, and also allows users to make area-based manual irrigation commands with Lynx.

With the release of the new units, Toro is running a special program where the dual radio RIU-02 will be available to existing OSMAC customers at a special price of $4,445 (more than half off normal price). You will be able to replace your old base station & also have the added benefits & features of the new unit for a great price.

Along with the special price being run on the RIU-02, existing SitePro customers who purchase the RIU-02-SPECIAL will also be eligible to purchase a Lynx upgrade at special reduced prices as well. I have already been out discussing the benefits & features of upgrading to Lynx, & this provides another great way for you to make it happen. Contact me for what prices & discounts you can get with this deal.

This program offers a great opportunity for existing OSMAC users to improve your system reliability, take advantage of area based functions, and comply with the FCC narrowband mandate (if you haven’t already).
***Program will end when 100 units of RIU-02-SPECIAL are sold or on April 30, 2015, whichever comes first--so hurry before it's too late!

I have already discussed this great deal with several of you, and will continue to visit & make sure everyone is aware of this deal while it is available. If you are interested in taking advantage of this program, or just looking for more information, be sure to give me a call (You can also click on the caption under the picture to follow the link for more information).

I hope everyone has a great week & I hope you get the rest of your Christmas shopping done early! I appreciate everyone taking the time to check my blog for updates & hope you will continue to do so!

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