
Monday, February 1, 2016

Pond Health - Fountains, Aerators, & Diffusers

Hopefully everyone has gotten cleaned up from the snow a few weeks ago & is able to get back on the course working. I wanted to take a minute today to remind everyone about the importance of keeping the ponds on your golf course clean & healthy. STI carries several different options for your ponds, from Otterbine & Kasco fountains & aerators to PondHawk's solar-powered diffusers. Now is a great time to be planning to install a fountain or aerator while things are relatively calm & before the summer algal blooms take off.

Pond aeration is the perfect answer to keeping healthy ponds, especially with all the new WOTUS legislation out there. Instead of treating your ponds with chemicals to control algae dredging your ponds because of build-up & loss of holding capacity, you can keep your ponds looking clean & beautiful by using aeration. If your members are looking for a fountain for aesthetic reasons, Otterbine & Kasco are both great options with their Aerating Fountains. If your main focus is keeping your ponds clean & you don't have a nearby power source or are looking to go off-grid, PondHawk's solar-powered diffusers are a perfect choice.

Otterbine 5HP Sunburst Aerating Fountain
PondHawk Solar-Powered Single Diffuser System

For more information on the products offered by each manufacturer, visit their websites by following the links below. If you would like a site specific consultation & quote, please let me know!


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